About me

Passionate computer science specialist with expertise in Java programming, web development, and data science, as well as internship experience in C and C++ programming. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in software development. My Java programming skills allow me to create efficient and robust software solutions, while my proficiency in web development enables me to build engaging and user-friendly web applications. Additionally, my experience in data science equips me with the ability to analyze and derive meaningful insights from complex datasets.

  • Java Programmer
    Problem solving using java programming language
  • web development
    Desinging web applications
  • Data Analyst
    collects, processes, and interprets data to help organizations make informed decisions.
  • 2021 - Current
    Working on Electric-Billing System projects using java
  • 2022
    internship in C and C++ programming
  • 2022 - Current
    Having experience in Tableau, Excel, Big-Data, Hadoop and Hive
  • Electric-Billing System
    Electric-Billing System is a software-based application developed in Java programming. The project aims at serving the department of electricity by computerizing the billing system.
  • Portfolio web site
    This is desing using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Snake Feeding Game
    Programming language: Java. The computer vision algorithm detects the snake and the food items in the game area. The player controls the snake using a joystick or keyboard, and the computer vision algorithm tracks the movement of the snake.

My Services

Web Design

As an engineer with a passion for creative design and a deep understanding of web technologies, I offer a range of web design services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you're an individual looking to establish an online presence, a startup seeking a captivating website, or a business aiming to revamp your digital image, I have the skills and expertise to bring your vision to life. Here are some of the services I provide:

  • Custom Website Design
  • Resposive Design
  • Content Management System (CMS)
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Java Developer

As an engineer with a strong background in Java development, I offer a wide range of services to help businesses and individuals harness the power of Java technology to build robust and efficient software solutions. Java is not just a programming language; it's a versatile platform that can be leveraged for various applications. Here are the services I provide:

  • Java Application Developer
  • Web development with Java EE and Spring Boot
  • Database Design and Management
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Data Science

I offer a comprehensive suite of data science services that empower businesses to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and unlock the full potential of their data assets. Whether you are a startup aiming to gain a competitive edge or an established enterprise seeking to harness the power of data, my expertise in data science can help you achieve your goals. Here are the services I provide:

  • Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Data cleaning and Preprocessing
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Data Mining and Pattern Recognition
  • Data Visualization and Dashboard development
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